There are as many reasons to store a vehicle as there are vehicles to store. Maybe you've got a project car that you need to keep out of the way while you're working on it. Maybe you have a boat or an RV that needs a home away from home during the off season, or a classic car or motorcycle that you just want to keep out of the elements.
Whatever your reasons for seeking out vehicle storage, most Missouri storage facilities such as Countryside Self Storage in Joplin can help you out. Using vehicle storage is a little different than just putting your stuff into a storage unit, though. If you're wondering how vehicle self storage works, we have answers to some of the most common questions.
What types of vehicle storage are available? Different Missouri storage facilities offer different types of vehicle storage, but the most common types are uncovered storage, which essentially amounts to an outdoor parking spot on the storage facility lot, covered storage, which is sort of like a big carport, and drive-up self storage units that you park your vehicle inside. Many self storage providers also offer vehicle storage for boats and RVs, so be sure to ask your self storage manager about what you want to store.
Does my vehicle need to be in running condition? This is a question without a simple answer. If you're planning to take advantage of outdoor vehicle storage, your car, boat, or RV will need to be in driving condition. If you have a project car that's not ready to go yet or something that you're taking apart and putting back together, you'll need to park it in a totally enclosed, indoor storage space.
Do I need to show registration or a title? Yes, you'll need either a registration or title for the vehicle as part of the rental process, so please bring that with you to your self storage provider when you come in.
Am I responsible for my vehicle and its contents? At Countryside Self Storage, we do everything we can to help keep your belongings safe, but ultimately, yes, you are responsible for the contents of your self storage unit and for any vehicles that you keep in vehicle storage. This is why it's always a good idea to take out insurance on anything valuable that you're putting into storage, including vehicles!
Can multiple people have access to stored vehicles? Absolutely! You're free to give access to your stored vehicles to family, friends, or whoever you wish. Just be sure to limit the access that you hand out to help keep your vehicle safe and secure.
Is working on a car in a storage unit allowed? Can you tinker with that project car while it's in vehicle storage in Joplin? Most facilities say no, unfortunately, but at Countryside Self Storage, we allow cars and other vehicles to be worked on as long as they're in completely enclosed units and proper precautions are taken to protect the concrete from oil stains and other hazards. RVs that are kept in vehicle storage can undergo minor routine maintenance such as battery charging and the like.
Do I have a choice of how my vehicle is stored? It depends on where you go. At Countryside Self Storage, we offer outdoor parking, covered vehicle parking, and completely enclosed indoor storage units for vehicles, all based on availability. Just ask your friendly self storage manager for the type of storage that's best for you!
Do I need insurance? Again, insurance is a good idea anytime you're putting something valuable, such as a vehicle, into self storage. We do all that we can to protect your belongings, but there's only so much that even we can do in the event of a natural disaster such as a flood or tornado. Being insured will help protect you against the worst-case scenario. You should do some basic maintenance before putting any vehicle into vehicle storage in Joplin. Before you bring in your car, boat, RV, motorcycle, or any other vehicle with an engine to Countryside Self Storage, check your owner's manual or do a little online research on how to get it ready for storage. We also wrote a great article about prepping an RV for storage, and several of the items apply to other vehicles as well! Whatever your vehicle storage needs, Countryside Self Storage has you covered (and uncovered, and fully enclosed). Just come see us at any of our Pittsburg, Joplin, or Frontenac locations today!